Fixed based generic systems generally representative of a class of helicopter (single engine, twin engine, …).

Many in-flight accidents happen in training. The roadmap focuses on transversal issues and includes training, operations, initial and continuing airworthiness and innovation. Light helicopters are also those suffering the highest number and rate of accidents. Most of these operators are flying leisure flights, special operations such as aerial work mountain rescue missions and training flights. The majority of these helicopters are lighter rotorcraft such as the Robinson R44, the Airbus A350 and the Robinson R22. Helicopter operations is a tough day-to-day business, trying to earn enough money whilst also keeping helicopter(s) flying. The vast majority (about 90%) of European helicopter operators have a fleet of 5 or less helicopters and most own only one aircraft. The Roadmap primarily targets light rotorcraft and small operators. Another important goal is to strengthen the helicopter industry, mainly the small operators, in a sustainable way. The main objective of the Roadmap is to significantly improve the safety of European rotorcraft, with a more specific target of a 50% safety improvement over the next 10 years. It is focused on a wide range of transversal issues including training, operations, initial and continuing airworthiness, the environment and innovation. The EASA Rotorcraft Safety Roadmap aims to reduce the number of accidents and save lives. It was developed by a group of experts from the National Aviation Authorities and the European rotorcraft industry. Over the past few years the number of EU-wide fatalities caused by rotorcraft accidents has stagnated. Use of simulators – a priority of the EASA Rotorcraft Safety Roadmap Statistics show that many accidents happen during training flights so how can you get the training and type rating revalidation or renewal checking you need but in a safe environment? Have you considered the advantages of simulators over real aircraft for training checking and testing? As a pilot you need experience in certain emergencies and simulators provide the opportunity for excellent training with lower operating costs and without the safety risk. Will the simulator be good enough so that he can learn something interesting and pass his revalidation proficiency check?
#Best flight simulator for pilot training full
With his Helicopter type rating revalidation to do, his Type Rating Examiner proposes to do the training and checking flight in a in a Full Flight Simulator.
#Best flight simulator for pilot training how to
If there’s a person who knows how to control risks in a high performance environment it’s him. Ari Vatanen is a former World Rally Champion.