Mapproxy-calipers copernicus-dem/dem melown2015 Generatevrtwo copernicus/rasters/eudem_dem.vrt copernicus-dem/elev.max -tileSize 1024x1024 -resampling maxĪnd as a final step, links named dem, dem.min and dem.max need toīe created: cd /var/vts/mapproxy/datasets/openlanduse/copernicus-demĪnd the last preparation step is to create a basic metainformation about tiles - tileindex.įor this, we first need to know tile extents of the input dataset: cd /var/vts/mapproxy/datasets/openlanduse/ Generatevrtwo copernicus/rasters/eudem_dem.vrt copernicus-dem/elev.min -tileSize 1024x1024 -resampling min Generatevrtwo copernicus/rasters/eudem_dem.vrt copernicus-dem/elev -tileSize 1024x1024 -resampling dem Next, we have to create virtual overviews: cd /var/vts/mapproxy/datasets/openlanduse/ Project, make sure your dataset is reasonably sized, e.g., just one country.įor "cutting out" just country borders, use gdalwarp: gdalwarp -cutline COUNTRY.shp -crop_to_cutline -dstalpha eudem_dem.vrt eudem_COUNTRY.tiff Usually very time and resources demanding operation. In this example, we are going to process a major part of Europe. Let's create the virtual dataset: gdalbuildvrt eudem_dem.vrt *.tif The first thing you need to do after downloading the data is to create a virtual Land-use maps of various regions based on certain pan-European datasets such asĬORINE Landcover, UrbanAtlas enriched by available regional data. Open Land-Use Map is a composite map that var/vts/mapproxy/datasets/openlanduse/copernicus/rasters).

var/vts/mapproxy/datasets/openlanduse/copernicus/rasters directory (do not
You should download the data you need and save them in the This example we are going to use the CEE (central and east Europe) (2.78E-4 degrees) or about every 30 meters.ĭata can be downloaded from EU-DEM page.

TheĮU-DEM is a 3D raster dataset with elevations captured at 1 arc second postings The Copernicus programme publishes DigitalĮlevation Model over Europe (EU-DEM). First we create the project directory: mkdir -p /var/vts/mapproxy/datasets/openlanduse